Oh Nyo! Studios

Latest Update

Endings and Beginnings

Tezzle here! Sapphyra’s behind me building the website you’re about to read this inaugural post on while we wait for the laundry to finish drying at the ‘mat down the street. As of me writing this, while my toddler sits on my lap and plays with little capybara figures just under my keyboard, the only social media website Oh Nyo! Studios wanted any official presence on will go into a read-only mode tomorrow morning, and shut down permanently at the end of the year. At this time we aren’t looking to make any new accounts anywhere.

Maybe that will change just as a matter of course if we actually are able to make games regularly on a more committed basis, but if we’re going to have any success as the smallest studio possible (two gay bitches) making the least marketable games possible (games about gay bitches), it’s going to be on our own terms. With that philosophy only emboldened by the tangible if fleeting potential of CoHost and websites like it, we have zero interest in relying on a private corporate entity’s offering of “social media engagement” for people to find us and our games. We’ve got our own plans for that, and maybe they yield fewer eyes on us starting out, but they’ll be eyes way more likely to actually play our games and throw us a couple bucks when they got it.

But more on the website! The design you’re seeing on the day this post goes live is a placeholder. We came in hot, canceling our plans to enter the 2024 Yuri Game Jam when CoHost’s shutdown got announced, feeling our efforts were better spent preparing for this day. We have some plans, but for now we have an RSS feed for any updates on what we’ve been cooking, and an embed to our itch.io page which of course you can also follow us on. Other than that, that’s all folks!

If you’re new to Oh Nyo! Studios, please check out our short demo VN Does She, Y’know… Like Robots? A very cute slice-of-life comedy about school girls who love mecha, made for the 2023 Yuri Game Jam! We want to make plenty of other games in other genres, both narrative and mechanical, but we wanted our first project together to be something fun and cute we could put our hearts into. We plan on making a much larger finished version, but before that we want to pursue other projects! We have a few very different games in various stages of pre-production that we’re waiting for the right time to start. You can follow our RSS or on itch.io to find out what we’re up to next!

Thanks girlies!
